
I work in sociosyntax; my work is informed by the Minimalist framework in generative syntax as well as variationist and interactionist sociolinguistics; due to the nature of my data (English pronouns) my work often dips into sociopragmatics and the syntax/pragmatics interface.

I also have a growing body of work that focuses on transgender issues and critiques of cisgender essentialist methodologies and bias in linguistics research. (On this page that work is sorted into the socio section, but you can also see my public-facing work.)

Pronouns Raising and Emerging (PhD Thesis)

keywords: pragmatics; pronouns; sociolinguistics; syntax; transgender

Advisors: Barbara Citko and Alicia Beckford Wassink

On UW Linguistics website

On Proquest

Syntax interests

I am interested in the syntax of pronouns, in particular gendered third-person pronouns in English. I am researching where gender is encoded in the structure of pronouns, and how pronouns fit into the structure of DP. I work in the Minimalist Program, and incorporate insights from sociolinguistics and pragmatics into my study of syntax.

Works in syntax

  1. Conrod, Kirby, Ruth Schultz & Byron Ahn. In press. How many selves for them? In NELS 52: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society,
  2. Conrod, Kirby. 2022. Abolishing Gender on D. Revue Canadienne De Linguistique / Canadian Journal of Linguistics.
  3. Ahn, Byron & Kirby Conrod. 2022. Three ways to rate themself. Talk presented at 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (formerly the ‘CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing’). University of California, Santa Cruz.
  4. Conrod, Kirby. 2022. Feral grammars: syntactic variation into social meaning. Plenary presentation at the Illinois Language and Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.
  5. Conrod, Kirby. 2022. What nonbinary ‘they’ tells us about DP. Georgetown University Invited speaker series.
  6. Conrod, Kirby. 2021. On the Uninterpretability of gender. Invited lecture in the series of Early Career Researchers in Linguistics at Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, and Haverford Colleges.
  7. Conrod, Kirby, Ruth Schultz & Byron Ahn. 2021. How many selves for them? Presentation at North East Linguistics Society (NELS) 52.
  8. Conrod, Kirby. 2021. Queering the narrow syntax. Plenary presentation at 57th Annual Chicago Linguistics Society meeting.
  9. Conrod, Kirby. 2020. Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. In Kira Hall & Rusty Barret (eds.). Oxford University Press. DOI:
  10. Conrod, Kirby. 2020. Predicative Pronouns. Presentation at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting.
  11. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Pronouns raising and emerging. University of Washington dissertation.
  12. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Abolishing Gender on D. Presentation at YYC Pronouns Workshop at the University of Calgary.
  13. Conrod, Kirby. 2018. What does it mean to agree? Coreference with Singular ‘they.’ Poster at the Pronouns in Competition workshop, University of California Santa Cruz.
  14. Conrod, Kirby & Brent Woo. 2018. Hydras: split heads and light heads. Poster at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting.
  15. Conrod, Kirby. 2017. Depronominalization and gender ideology. Poster at New ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 46.
  16. Conrod, Kirby. 2017. Names before pronouns: variation in pronominal reference and gender. In University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics: Northwest Linguistics Conference,
  17. Conrod, Kirby. 2016. We who are about to die: pronominal relative clauses as light headed relative clauses. Presentation at Arizona Linguistics Circle.
  18. Conrod, Kirby. 2016. Names before pronouns: variation in pronominal reference and gender. Presentation at Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC).

Sociolinguistics interests

Pronouns are not socially neutral placeholders for NPs; they encode social relationships, sometimes explicitly (as in Thai honorific pronouns) and sometimes implicitly (as in gendered pronouns in English). I investigate how third-person pronouns are used socially, including looking at the innovative use of singular they in gender neutral specific contexts in English. Changes in the English pronominal system are mediated by changes in how social relationships are organized and conceptualized.

Sociolinguistics Works

  1. Conrod, Kirby, Ruth Schultz & Byron Ahn. In press. How many selves for them? In NELS 52: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society,
  2. Konnelly, Lex, Kirby Conrod & Evan Bradley. In press. Routledge Handbook of Pronouns. In Laura Paterson (ed.). Routledge.
  3. Roepke, Kyra, Ell Rose, Max Winig & Kirby Conrod. 2022. Acceptability of English Neopronouns. Presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 50.
  4. Conrod, Kirby. 2022. Variation in English Gendered Pronouns: analysis and recommendations for ethics in linguistics. Journal of Language and Sexuality 11(2).
  5. Ahn, Byron, Kirby Conrod, Ameena Faruki, Steven Foley, Xander Guidry & Ruth Schultz. 2022. Acceptability, production, and comprehension of definite singular ‘they.’ Presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 50.
  6. Ahn, Byron & Kirby Conrod. 2022. Three ways to rate themself. Talk presented at 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (formerly the ‘CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing’). University of California, Santa Cruz.
  7. Conrod, Kirby. 2022. Feral grammars: syntactic variation into social meaning. Plenary presentation at the Illinois Language and Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.
  8. Conrod, Kirby. 2022. What nonbinary ‘they’ tells us about DP. Georgetown University Invited speaker series.
  9. Conrod, Kirby. 2021. Queering the narrow syntax. Plenary presentation at 57th Annual Chicago Linguistics Society meeting.
  10. Conrod, Kirby. 2021. On the Uninterpretability of gender. Invited lecture in the series of Early Career Researchers in Linguistics at Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, and Haverford Colleges.
  11. Conrod, Kirby. 2021. Teaching trans linguist(ic)s. Invited lecture in the University of Chicago Linguistics series on Inclusive Pedagogy.
  12. Conrod, Kirby, Ruth Schultz & Byron Ahn. 2021. How many selves for them? Presentation at North East Linguistics Society (NELS) 52.
  13. Squizzero, Robert, Martin Horst, Alicia Beckford Wassink, Alex Panicacci, Monica Jenson, Anna K. Moroz, … Emily Bender. 2021. Collecting and using race and ethnicity information in linguistic studies. University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics.
  14. Conrod, Kirby. 2020. How to do things with gender. Invited lecture in the Student Success lecture series at the University of Kent.
  15. Conrod, Kirby. 2020. Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. In Kira Hall & Rusty Barret (eds.). Oxford University Press. DOI:
  16. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Pronouns raising and emerging. University of Washington dissertation.
  17. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Formalizing pronouns. Keynote presentation at the YYC Pronouns Workshop at the University of Calgary.
  18. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Doing gender and linguistics. Keynote presentation at ‘They, Hirself, Em, and You (THEY 2019): nonbinary pronouns in research and practice’ at Queen’s University.
  19. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Nonbinary Singular ‘they’ in apparent time. Poster at New Ways of Analzying Variation (NWAV) 48.
  20. Conrod, Kirby. 2019. Trans(itive) Gendering. Presentation at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting.
  21. Conrod, Kirby. 2018. Pronouns and Misgendering. Presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 47.
  22. Conrod, Kirby. 2018. Pronouns in motion: a typology and methodology for examining dynamic variation. Presentation at Lavender Languages and Linguistics.
  23. Conrod, Kirby. 2018. Changes in Singular ‘they.’ Presentation at the Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics at Reed College.
  24. Conrod, Kirby. 2017. Depronominalization and gender ideology. Poster at New ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 46.
  25. Conrod, Kirby. 2017. Names before pronouns: variation in pronominal reference and gender. In University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics: Northwest Linguistics Conference,
  26. Conrod, Kirby. 2016. Names before pronouns: variation in pronominal reference and gender. Presentation at Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC).
  27. Conrod, Kirby, Rachael Tatman & Rik Koncel-Keziorski. 2016. We who tweet: pronominal relative clauses on Twitter. In Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Fest 2016, Bloomington, Indiana.