
Science Communication

I got my PhD in linguistics, which is the scientific study of how languages go together and how humans use them.

Much of my work focuses on pronouns. Pronouns are words that replace names so we don’t have to say the same thing over and over. Most of my previous research has been about the English pronouns he, she, and they. Below I have a section that explains my thesis, as well as sections for public talks, blogs, podcasts, and other stuff that I’ve done.

Blogs and writing

I use my medium blog for two purposes: one is a public-facing blog for writing about pronouns as well as other issues in my life. The other is as a way for “debriefing” after I go to academic conferences; I’ll exclude those links here, but they’re included in my research page.

Posts about pronouns:

You can keep up with my other blog posts on my medium, which will usually be a mix of pronouns, thoughts on nonbinary issues, and musings about being a neurodivergent academic and pedagogy and methodology and stuff.

Posts about other things:

I’ve written a couple blog posts about the process of writing - they’re mostly informal, kind of personal, and focused on academic writing, but I’ve heard that they’re helpful for people, so I’m happy to share them.

In the news

I’m available for interviews - if your outlet is writing about pronouns, non-binary identities, and language, contact me!

Podcast guest spots

For some reason people love to have me as a guest on podcasts. I also love it! If you want me to be a guest on your podcast to talk about trans stuff, pronoun stuff, or academia stuff, please do contact me!

Public talks

Included here are public lectures and webinars and such. If you’d like me to speak at your organization, please contact me.

  • I was a member on the panel for the LSA Webinar on LGBTQ+ Perspectives in Linguistics, a video recording of which is available here. Tyler says he mostly forgives me for going SO long over time.
  • I gave public lecture about how pronouns are used for social goals, called Formalizing Pronouns at the Calgary Public Library. The event was open to the public; slides are here.
  • I gave a talk in the Inspirational Speakers series for the University of Kent, called How to do things with gender